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Nothing is Comparable to Krishna Nama !

Following is from the Bhagavan-nāma- māhātmya-saṁgraha

Sarveṣām api yajñānāṁ lakṣaṇāni vratāni ca
Tīrtha-snānāni sarvāṇi tapāṁsy anaśanāni ca
Veda-pāṭha-sahasrāṇi prādakṣiṇyaṁ bhuvaḥ śataṁ
Kṛṣṇa-nāma-japasyāsya kalāṁ nārhati ṣoḍaśīm

All the rituals and fasts associated with a Vedic sacrifice, all the bathing in the holy places around the world, all the penances and fasts of this world, thousands of recitals of Vedic literature, and hundreds of circumambulations of the entire surface of the earth, cannot match even a sixteenth portion of the merit acquired by chanting the holy name of Krishna.

#Chanting LevelNo of Daily RoundsNo of Holy Names ChantedMin Time ReqdNotes
1Guru Ashraya11,7285 minsBeginner
2Nitai Ashraya46,91215 - 20 minsAdvancing. Can take Hari Nama
3Gaura Ashraya813,82430 - 40 minsEnthusiastic & Mercy is flowing
4Hari Nama16276481 Hour 10 minsWhen steadily chanting, Ready for Diksha
5Ardha Laksheshvara3255296 (half lakh)2 Hours 20 minsProgressing in Bhakti
6*Laksheshvara64110592 (1 lakh)5 HoursKrishna accepts offerings. Madhyama Gaudiya devotee. Can preach
7*Dvi Laksheshvara128221184 (2 lakhs)10 HoursBhagavat. Krishna gets attracted and gives darshan. Can be a Guru and initiate
8*Tri Laksheshvara192331776 (3 lakhs)15 - 16 HoursMaha Bhagavat (Uttama). Krishna gets controlled.
9*Catur Laksheshvara256442368 (4 lakhs)20 - 22 HoursMaha Maha Bhagavat (Uttama Uttama). Already situated in Goloka.

* - Krishna accepts offerings only from Laksheshvaras and above. So, Maha Prabhu insisted that one should be at least a Laksheshwara.

Chantings by Sripad Aniruddha Prabhu

#Books & Chantings from Sripad Aniruddha Prabhu
1Aniruddha Prabhu - Attaining God in this Life - 2015-Jan-13.pdf
2Aniruddha Prabhu - Hare Krishna Singing.mp3
3Kartik Mas 1.pdf
4Kartik Mas 2.pdf
5Maha Mantra Chanting by Aniruddha Prabhu - normal.mp3
6Maha Mantra Chanting by Aniruddha Prabhu - fast.mp3
7Maha Mantra Chanting by Aniruddha Prabhu - slow.mp3
8Sadhak - by Aniruddha Prabhu.docx
9Vande Guru 1.docx
10Viraha Vedana.pdf